Homer Babbidge Library
With the adoption of the 2015 UConn Master Plan by the Board of Trustees in 2015, the Homer Babbidge Library is in a unique position to create a 21st century library that reflects UConn’s academic vision and mission.
“The UConn Libraries is a transformative partner in inspiring groundbreaking research and advancing learning, teaching, and entrepreneurial thinking. Our outstanding resources, expert staff, and collaborative environments empower our communities to explore new fields of inquiry and seek revolutionary solutions.” (UConn Libraries Vision, Mission, Purposeful Path Froward)
In the spring of 2015, UConn proceeded to develop the Library Facilities Master Plan for Homer Babbidge Library. The goal is to create a framework for the Library’s transformation over the next ten years that will help transform the library into a Knowledge and Innovation Hub creating new environments for teaching, learning and research. A draft of the Master Plan will be shared with the campus in December.
The library, centrally located in the heart of Storrs campus, was built in 1978 using traditional space and infrastructure standards utilizing an extended stack footprint. The proposed plan is assessing the needs for the various functions in the Library and bench-marking against efforts recently undertaken by other premier institutions as information was available and relevant. Today’s students are looking for spaces dedicated to twenty-four hour study, project and group study, technology enhanced instruction and social spaces.
By creating an off-site preservation facility, relocating collections, consolidating print collection and increasing storage efficiency by adding compact shelving, the available space in the library will increase by 50%. The proposed recommendations included in the Master Plan assess the needs for the various functions in the library. Various current and future functions in the library have been grouped around floor themes with the goal of co-locating complementary functions and partnerships.