Project Purpose
Connecticut Public Act No 13-233, known as Next Generation Connecticut, authorized the University to undertake a special capital improvement program for the expressed purposes of constructing infrastructure, renovating existing facilities and developing new buildings. In 2015, the University completed the Next Gen CT Campus Masterplan and in 2016 the University performed a Framework Utility Analysis to create a systematic approach for infrastructure projects that support development of the Next Gen CT program.
The intent of this project is to provide infrastructure improvements in the South Campus district to support the construction and sustainable operation of the South Campus Residence Hall. The overall scope of this project will provide renewable infrastructure to the new South Campus Residence Hall and includes: new utilities including steam, electric, hot and chilled water, communications, sanitary, stormwater, and domestic water for the South Campus Residence Hall (Phase 2), and expansion of the South Campus Chiller Plant to accommodate a new geothermal heating and cooling system and to meet the needs of the Residence Hall (Phase 3).
Project Construction Newsletter #14 | August 2024
Project Construction Newsletter #13 | July 2024
Project Construction Newsletter #12 | June 2024
Project Construction Newsletter #11 | May 2024
Project Construction Newsletter #10 | April 2024
Project Construction Newsletter #9 | March 2024
Project Construction Newsletter #8 | January 2024
Project Construction Newsletter #7 | December 2023
Project Construction Newsletter #6 | November 2023
Project Construction Newsletter #5 | October 2023
Construction Update #4 | September 26, 2023
Despite very wet weather over the past month, Phase 1 contractors advanced their activities within the construction zone. Work included installing drainage lines and structures, electrical and telecom duct banks, and removal of old stream lines. The second phase of the work will begin in mid-October with additional impacts to campus circulation and parking. This phase of the work includes improvements to the South Campus Chiller Building and the installation of the geothermal bore field.
Construction will continue through fall semester and the entire project is scheduled for completion in early 2026. A printable newsletter of this update is available here.
Road Impacts
Construction impacts over the fall semester are as follows:
- Gilbert Road CLOSED from Mansfield Road to Whitney Road Extension. This closure will stay in place until Summer 2024.
- Maple Lane and Coventry Road will be CLOSED from Mansfield Road to Lot R starting on August 28, 2023. This closure will remain in place for the fall semester and into early 2024.
- Whitney Road Extension will close in the next 4-6 weeks and as dates are confirmed, information will be sent out.
- Whitney Road will also close during the Fall Semester and remain closed into the Spring semester.
Road closures and detours will be clearly signed and communicated to the University and the public to minimize confusion. Shortly after student move in Coventry Road and Maple Lane will be closed. Please refer to the Campus Construction Map for more information on road closures and impacts
Parking Impacts
Impacts to Lot R and Lot S will continue as follows:
- Lot R will continue to have parking impacts through the fall semester and into early 2024. Access to lot will be via a temporary driveway.
- Lot S will continue to have parking impacts through the duration of the project. Starting mid October, approximately half of the lot will be offline for the construction of the geo-thermal field. Initially there will be some short term impacts to parking as construction starts.
UPDC is working closely with the contractors to minimize the impacts to permit holders to the greatest extent possible. All contractors have been asked to park at Depot Campus or within the construction fence.
Pedestrian Circulation Impacts
Impacts to pedestrian traffic continue around the construction site at Gilbert Road. Sidewalk closures around Lot R and S are in place. Please refer to the newsletter linked above showing accessible pedestrian detour in this area. Sidewalk closures and detours will be clearly signed and communicated to the University and the public to minimize confusion and create safe passage. Please refer to the Campus Construction Map for more information on pedestrian impacts.
Noise and Working Times
Core working hours for the Fall Semester will be Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. There may be situations when work may happen outside of these hours with appropriate notification. At this time, the most noisy work will be hammering rock.
There are anticipated minor utility shutdowns to happen over the course of this fall semester. These shutdowns will need to take place in the Arjona building. These shutdowns should not affect day to day operations since the building has temporary means to ensure utility service.
Open House Recordings | September 13, 2023
On September 13, 2023, University Planning, Design & Construction (UPDC) held informational meetings in open house format to update students, faculty and staff on construction activities related to the new residence hall and related infrastructure improvements in South Campus.
The recordings of these presentations are linked below for those who were unable to attend:
Construction Update #3 | August 22, 2023
As the summer construction period wraps up the South Campus Infrastructure (SCI) Project has met several key milestones that allows the following to happen starting on August 21, 2023:
- Mansfield Road will REOPEN
- Whitney Road Extension will return to preconstruction condition (one way traffic)
The next major milestones for the project include providing Steam, Electric and Chilled water for the SCRH project. These milestones are required before the end of the year. Construction will continue into the fall semester and the overall project will be completed in the Fall of 2025. Please anticipate delays and changes in vehicular and pedestrian walking paths over the course of this work, as noted below and in this printable newsletter.
Road Impacts
Construction impacts over the fall semester are as follows:
- Gilbert Road CLOSED from Mansfield Road to Whitney Road Extension. This closure will stay in place until Summer 2024.
- Maple Lane and Coventry Road will be CLOSED from Mansfield Road to Lot R starting on August 28, 2023. This closure will remain in place for most of the fall semester.
- Whitney Road Ext will close mid Fall semester.
Road closures and detours will be clearly signed and communicated to the University and the public to minimize confusion. Shortly after student move in Coventry Road and Maple Lane will be closed. Please refer to the Campus Construction Map for more information on road closures and impacts
Parking Impacts
Parking impacts to Lot R and Lot S will continue as noted below. Please refer to the newsletter linked above showing the limits of parking to be closed on August 28:
- Lot R will continue to have parking impacts through most of the fall semester. Access to lot will be via a temporary driveway.
- Lot S will continue to have parking impacts through the duration of the project. Parking impacts will start on August 28, 2023. Approximately half of the lot will be offline during this constriction
UPDC is working closely with the contractors to minimize the impacts to permit holders to the greatest extent possible. All contractors have been asked to park at Depot Campus or within the construction fence.
Pedestrian Circulation Impacts
Impacts to pedestrian traffic continue around the construction site at Gilbert Road. Sidewalk closures around Lot R and S will start on August 28. Please refer to the newsletter linked above showing accessible pedestrian detour in this area. Sidewalk closures and detours will be clearly signed and communicated to the University and the public to minimize confusion and create safe passage. Please refer to the Campus Construction Map for more information on pedestrian impacts.
Noise and Working Times
Core working hours for the Fall Semester will be Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. At this time all blasting is complete the remaining rock will need to be hammered so this will be the extent of the noisy work.
There are anticipated minor utility shutdowns to happen over the course of this fall semester. These shutdowns will need to take place in the Arjona building. These shutdowns should not affect day to day operations since the building has temporary means to ensure utility service.
Construction Update #2 | July 24, 2023
The priority of the South Campus Infrastructure project is to upgrade and extend the campus utilities to the New South Campus Residence Hall on Gilbert Road. Construction started on July 7th and has been fast paced to complete as much as possible prior to students returning. University Planning, Design & Construction (UPDC) appreciates everyone's patience during the first weeks of construction while items were worked out. The site for this phase has been secured while work continues inside of the fence line. Drainage work near Mirror Lake is nearing completion while other work is just beginning. Electrical work within Lot R is progressing on schedule.
Please anticipate delays and changes in vehicular and pedestrian walking paths over the course of this work, as noted below and in this printable newsletter.
Road Impacts
Current road closures will continue through the middle of August. We are targeting Mid August for the following changes for move in:
- Mansfield Road will be OPEN
- Maple Lane will be OPEN
- Coventry Road will be OPEN
- Gilbert Road will be CLOSED from Mansfield to Whitney Road Extension
- Whitney Road Extension will be returned to its original ONE WAY configuration
Road closures and detours will be clearly signed and communicated to the University and the public to minimize confusion. Shortly after student move in Coventry Road and Maple Lane will be closed. Please refer to the Campus Construction Map for more information on road closures and impacts
Parking Impacts
Parking impacts to Lot R and Lot S have started. UPDC is working closely with the contractors to minimize the impacts to permit holders to the greatest extent possible. Accessible parking in Lot R is being coordinated to minimize impacts. Lot S is beginning to see minor impacts and will see larger impacts starting in late September. All contractors have been asked to park at Depot Campus or within the construction fence.
Pedestrian Circulation Impacts
Impacts to pedestrian traffic include minor detours such as temporary walkways at Mirror lake, as well as major detours around the construction site at Gilbert Road. Sidewalk closures and detours will be clearly signed and communicated to the University and the public to minimize confusion and create safe passage The project will make every attempt to reopen sidewalks as quickly as possible to restore circulation. In some locations closures may have a long duration. Please refer to the Campus Construction Map for more information on pedestrian impacts.
Noise and Working Times
Core working hours for the summer will be Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 4:30 pm. Starting August 14th work hours will be from 8:00 to 4:30. At this time noisy work will be associated with the removal of rock.
There are anticipated minor utility shutdowns to happen over the course of this summer. Several short steam shutdowns are being scheduled for the beginning to mid August. Information to affected buildings will be sent out when the timing of these shutdowns are confirmed.
Construction Update #1 | June 23, 2023
The start of construction is now upon us. The contractors are anticipating to start work the week of July 10th and ramping up to full staff for the Week of July 17th. Please anticipate delays and changes in vehicular and pedestrian walking paths over the course of these two weeks, as noted below and in this printable newsletter.
Road Impacts
Starting July 12th the following road impacts will begin and continue through the middle of August:
- Mansfield Road will be CLOSED from Coventry Road to Whitney Road
- Gilbert Road will be CLOSED from Mansfield to Whitney Road Extension
- Whitney Road Extension will be converted to two way traffic to facilitate traffic to the detoured portions of Mansfield Road
Road closures and detours will be clearly signed and communicated to the University and the public to minimize confusion. Anticipated closures for the Fall academic calendar include Gilbert Road, Coventry Road and Maple Lane. Please refer to the Campus Construction Map for more information on Road closures and impacts
Parking Impacts
Parking will be impacted in Lot R starting the week of July 10 and and running through the Fall semester. Available parking in lot R will be reduced by half and will vary as work progresses through the parking lot. The goal of the project will be to impact the least amount of parking possible, so rolling closures will be used. Lot S will begin to see impacts to parking starting late September. UPDC will work closely with parking services to address these closures and communicate alternate parking locations. Contractors are asked to park off campus and shuttle into work areas as to not further reduce parking spaces.
Pedestrian Circulation Impacts
The work will impact many pedestrian circulation routes. The initial impacts will begin starting the week of July 10th. These impacts will be primary around the Gilbert Road closure area. Impacts will detour pedestrians on walks starting as far as Mirror Lake to the East and Whitney Road Ext to the West. Sidewalk closures and detours will be clearly signed and communicated to the University and the public to minimize confusion and create safe passage The project will make every attempt to reopen sidewalks as quickly as possible to restore circulation. In some locations closures may have a long duration. Please refer to the Campus Construction Map for more information on pedestrian impacts.
Noise and Working Times
Core working hours for this project will be Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Some activities will generate noise and vibration, subject to limits and monitoring. Work will be prohibited during finals and reading days, among others. Initial nosy work will be associated with driving of fence posts and the removal of rock. There are anticipated minor utility shutdowns to happen over the course of this summer. These shutdowns are anticipated to be related to Steam and Electrical Services. Information to affected buildings will be sent out when the timing of these shutdowns are confirmed.